I'm supposed to be getting ready for church (oops). But I wanted to share this quick post about my devotion this morning... and also, thumbs up to those that wake up super early every morning to do your devotion and talk to Jesus. IT'S FREAKING HARD. I'd rather listen to KLove and sing at the top of my lungs to Big Daddy Weave and call that devotion. Sure, it's worship- but it ain't reading the word. Let's be honest... but if you won't tell, I won't.
This made me ponder (Stephanie Stewart Byrd) and come full circle of understanding-
Don't steal tomorrow from God's hands. Give Him time to speak to you and reveal His will. He is never late- learn to wait.
He never shows up late; He knows just what is best;
Fret not yourself in vain; until He comes just REST.
For an impatient, anxiety ridden, stressed out, right here right (Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka reference) type of person- not to reflect on my parents parenting skills, by the way- THAT'S HARD. BEING PATIENT IS HARD. I've rushed a lot of things that I ended up regretting later. If I had just waited on the Lord, his timing would have been perfect and I would have saved a lot of heartache and cleaning up a lot of messes. Also, the more time I rush, the less time I have to spend with Patty- if it's God's will.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"
Romans 8:28
**See ya'll at church- please no autographs. Jerry will get jealous.
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